Physical Therapy
Physical therapy (PT) is a branch of medicine that, by using mechanical force and movements, manual therapy, exercise therapy, and electrotherapy, remediates impairments and promotes mobility and function.
Physical therapy is used to improve a patient’s quality of life through physical intervention.
What conditions can Physical therapy treat?
The physiotherapists at our facility have helped a wide range of people including recreational and professional sports athletes, performing artists, weekend warriors, those starting new activities, pre and post-surgical patients and anyone with general aches and pains.
Through physical therapy it can be treated a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions including:
- Back Pain;
- Sciatica;
- Neck Pain;
- Concussions;
- Knee Injuries;
- Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome;
- TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disorders;
- Sports Injuries;
- Degenerative Disc Disease;
- Herniated Discs;
- Osteoarthritis;
- Headaches;
- Pre and Post Natal Conditions including SIJ instability, low back pain, sciatica and clogged ducts;
- Labral Tears;
- Muscle Strains;
- Sprains;
- Tendonitis;
- Meniscal Knee Injuries;
- Chronic Pain;
- Tennis Elbow;
- Golfers Elbow;
- Frozen Shoulder.
- Rotator Cuff Injuries;
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome;
- Repetitive Strain Injuries;
- Plantar Fasciitis;
- Stress Fractures;
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction;
- Achilles Tendonitis;
- Fractures;
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome;
- ACL Injuries;
- Pinched Nerves;
- Pre and Post Operative Rehabilitation;
- Postural Dysfunctions;
- DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis;
- Piriformis Syndrome;
- Shoulder Pain;
- Shoulder Instability;
- Whiplash;
- Urinary Incontinence;
- Sports Hernias;
- Total Knee Replacements;
- Sesamoiditis;
- Spondylolisthesis;
- Post Stroke;
And Many More…
Treatment Pricing
At The Practice: £200.00
Booking Information
Appointments last approx
45-60 minutes
For same-day appointments please email